What the Tree Knows

June 4, 2013 § 29 Comments

To see the grandeur of the forest, to witness the grace of the soaring bird, to appreciate the beautiful simplicity of the stone wall- these are all great gifts that have come to me, again and again.  An exquisite blessing.

But I have also felt something else, something more.

When I am at one with the natural world, when I lose my sense of separation and duality, everything that is false and fearful drops away.

I know what the tree knows.

I see what the soaring bird sees.

I feel the warmth of the rock in the sun.

I am as alive, as strong, as present, as I can be.

No longer simply possessing a sense of self, I am myself.

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§ 29 Responses to What the Tree Knows

  • BeingMama says:

    Another gem, Tom. I know what you mean by feeling more oneself when we can connect more deeply with nature. We are inseparable from nature, it’s as if we reach our deeper self with this knowing.

  • ladyfi says:

    Beautifully written!

  • brendamarroy says:

    I love the way you express what happens when we move from duality thinking into being one with all that is. Your words inspire me and go right into my heart. Goddess bless.

  • brendamarroy says:

    This is spot on, Tom. I love the way you express the realm we enter when we move from duality thinking into oneness with all that is. Your words are inspiring and go right into my heart. Goddess bless.

  • angulam says:

    Awesome post with a superb finish. This post inspires the poet in each one of us…

  • potterfan97 says:

    Very beautiful, Tom! As always 🙂

    • Thomas Ross says:


      Thank you.

      Your own writing continues to amaze and enthrall. You are gifted- but you are also courageous in your writing. Stay strong. You are creating some breathtaking poetry.


  • You have a *real* gift, Tom. Thank you for sharing yourself so generously with others. Your posts always touch my heart….

    • Thomas Ross says:


      I have been away- not physically but emotionally- for nearly a month. But when I come here and read your kind reply, I feel connected again to you and to the consistent kindness that you embody.

      Your presence here touches my heart.


  • What I often struggle to put into words, you make it seem so effortless, so fluid. And it is only because it comes from having being in that place of being one with the trees, the birds and being one with the rock under the sun. Dear Tom, as always, your words and writing sweep me to another realm. With deep admiration and gratitude. Always. Sharon

    • Thomas Ross says:


      While you may struggle, the words that you create always form an exquisite composition of thought, feeling, and emotion. You are truly an artist. Thus, for you to speak so kindly of my work is a glorious thing for me. My admiration for you and for your message and for your amazing compositions is boundless.

      Thank you for the continuing attention and kindness.


  • Anne says:

    Beautiful post Tom. Thank you so much for sharing. Many blessings.



  • julienmatei says:

    When Illusion fades, time fades… and so fear – the false self, ceases to exist…

    The great gift of non resistance…First then can we understand what “Here and Now” really means.

    Then and only then, can we “know”, can we see and be “seen”.

    Who´s seen and Who sees…?

    Really…I love this post…

    You put words to my thoughts.

    • Thomas Ross says:

      Jullien, Julien,

      Like no one else, I sense that you transcend words, that the thoughts and feelings you possess are beyond the powers of ordinary language to express. It is as though you are inescapably poetic in everything you express.

      I am grateful for our connection.


  • Suddenly Jamie (@suddenlyjamie) says:

    “When I am at one with the natural world, when I lose my sense of separation and duality, everything that is false and fearful drops away.”

    I love that. It describes so succinctly and accurately what I feel when I am at ease in the natural world. There is such a sense of “rightness” and “truth.” That is what draws me out again and again, and what I miss when life keeps me temporarily from the embrace of Nature.

    Just lovely.
    Thank you.

    • Thomas Ross says:


      We go back a ways but it still is a rush for me to see you here. Especially after being away.

      Thanks for those kind words. The natural world is a source of energy and strength and wisdom. Even when I am inside though, I can go there again- in my heart. Nature’s embrace, in that way, is always there.


      • Suddenly Jamie (@suddenlyjamie) says:

        So true, Tom. Nature is in us as much as we are in Nature.

  • DIRNDL SKIRT says:

    I know what the tree knows. What a beautiful, simple sentence that speaks volumes. (I wish I knew what my lilac bush knows…why it only gives me 2 blooms) 🙂

    • Thomas Ross says:


      Thank you for showing up, especially after my long quiet time.

      These connections. They mean so much to me. Your presence here is a gift beyond measure.


      PS- don’t know about those lilacs- perhaps they feel the stress of your expectations- maybe try telling them that two blooms are more than enough? Or maybe there’s a fertilizer thing.

  • Robyn Lee says:

    I feel the same as you Tom. You have expressed this union with nature ,the oneness and “knowing” that prevails so beautifully here. I loved your last line…

    “No longer simply possessing a sense of self,
    I am myself.”

    Love to you dear one
    ~ Robyn

  • This is so comforting. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

  • When I first read this I could feel the sensation of each sense. Your prose have the ability to bring nature together with a person as one. That is how it is with me. I do love this piece.

    • Thomas Ross says:


      We share this communion with the natural world. I truly feel its strength and wisdom coming to me as I lose that sense of duality.

      Thanks for sticking with me, even as I drift away sometimes.


  • Gigi wanders says:

    I am. I is!

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