Those Moments

July 2, 2012 § 11 Comments

Those moments.  When it all seems too much, when you feel overwhelmed, lost, falling.  When you want just to give up, to go away, to stop the noise.  When you feel beaten down, used up.  Crushed and finished.  Those moments.

I have many of those moments, harrowing moments of weakness.

But there’s a strength there too because however deep the crevice into which we tumbled, we are still here, still struggling to hold our presence in this moment.  Arriving at this moment means that we climbed out of the crevice and went on.

The cliché- “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”- actually reflects a deep wisdom.  All those bleak and crushing moments are behind us.  And as we stand in this present moment, we stand as survivors, ready to be strong and present in this, our moment.

We will fall again.  We will experience more of those moments.  But right now none of that matters because in this moment we possess the glorious chance to be strong, centered, and present- right here, right now.

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§ 11 Responses to Those Moments

  • thewolfonthebridge says:

    Don’t know if my last comment registered, in case it didn’t just wanted to reiterate my thanks for this post. Full of wisdom – and courageous reminders…Now following with anticipation!

  • thewolfonthebridge says:

    Beautiful. It resonated with me so much I decided to reblog this – a great follow-up for my Dark Days post, and so full of wisdom. Thank you, I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog – thanks to your kind comment!

    • Thomas Ross says:

      Adrienne, thank you so much for the kind words and the reposting of my work. I admire so much your writing as well. I’m glad that we connected. Tom

  • Thomas, I read this when you published it earlier, but I’m glad I came back and reread it. It had a profound effect on me tonight as I have in the last few days been feeling beaten down. You reminded me: But there’s a strength there too because however deep the crevice into which we tumbled, we are still here, still struggling to hold our presence in this moment…
    So, yes, you reminded me there’s strength. Because I am still here, still struggling to hold my presence in this moment. Thanks for that reminder.

  • jennlaurent says:

    I too struggle in those moments when I am not centered and grounded. I do love that you remind us to sit in gratitude when we are though. Our struggle through darkness brings us to brighter light and it is important for us to fully experience those times.

    • Thomas Ross says:

      Jennifer, one of the things that is so precious about the writing is the way that you share your struggles so openly and honestly.

      Thanks again for the thoughtful read and reply.

  • Julianna says:

    You’re so spot-on here, Thomas. It’s not always easy to be Centered in the midst of difficult times (though it surely gets easier the more we keep up a spiritual Practice), but there IS such expansion to be found at the root of these times, so long as we choose to look at them that way. Light coming to you – j.

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